We have been involved in Sustainability project since 2013, with the purpose of helping Indonesian fishing industries. There is a growing interest from the Indonesia supply chain fishery industry, including fishermen, local suppliers, and processors/exporters, to take part in the movement to engage in the fishery improvement projects. Some of the Indonesian fishing companies have been part of the Fisheries Improvement Project (FIP) created by the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP), who define FIP as a collaborative alliance of buyers, suppliers, and producers working together to improve a fishery by pressing for better policies and management, while voluntarily changing purchasing and fishing practices to reduce problems such as illegal fishing, bycatch, and habitat impacts. Our current FIP Projects
Demersal Fish
In 2020, Our company with some Indonesian Exporters founded Indonesian Demersal Association (ADI) with a purpose to work together in National sustainability project.. Our previous project Snapper and Grouper FIP in Aru Arafura is merged into this National FIP.

Tuna & Pelagic Fish
Indonesia Indian Ocean and Western Central Pacific Ocean tuna and large pelagics - longline.
Indonesia Indian Ocean and Western Central Pacific Ocean large pelagics - longline
PT Inti Lautan Fajar Abadi is a member of Sedex, the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange. Sedex provides member companies with a secure web-based platform for storing and sharing information on four key pillars: Health and Safety, Labour Standards, Business Ethics and The Environment.
Sedex is not a standard setting body and doesn't approve or certify our policies and standards. Instead, becoming a member of Sedex is a sign of PT Inti Lautan Fajar Abadi's willingness to share information and to utilise this information to help manage and improve ethical standards within the supply chain.